RightOfTheDot to auction defunct The Income Store assets

RightOfTheDot to auction defunct The Income Store assets

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Domain broker tapped to liquidate remaining assets associated with ponzi scheme.

RightOfTheDot to auction defunct The Income Store assets

Monte Cahn’s RightOfTheDot will auction the remaining assets of Today’s Growth Consultant, Inc. (d/b/a the Income Store) in an auction taking place June 10.

The Income Store was a business in which people invested $50,000-$500,000 and the business promised to developed income-generating websites for them. Federal authorities say it was all a Ponzi scheme, with owner Kenneth D. Courtright paying early investors with new investor money.

The courts agreed to give some of the built websites to the defrauded investors, and now RightOfTheDot has been tapped to sell off what remains.

On June 10, bidders can bid on a single lot containing over 3,000 domains, over 200 revenue-generating websites, physical goods, trademarks, and affiliate marketing accounts.

The minimum opening bid is $2.5 million and bidders must place a $50,000 deposit.

Bidders are required to sign an NDA to view the full asset list. While some assets have been given to victims, this early court exhibit (pdf) might indicate some of the available assets.

Post link: RightOfTheDot to auction defunct The Income Store assets

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