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People are registering NFT domains in droves

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Data show that people are registering lots of domains related to non-fungible tokens.

Chart showing Donuts domain registrations with NFT term in them, with a spike in March and April

Donuts has seen a spike in domain registrations including the initialism NFT.

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are hot right now. NBA Top Shots have introduced mainstream collectors to NFTs, and stories about digital art NFTs selling for hundreds of thousands (or millions) are making the rounds.

Domains with the initialism NFT in them are proving popular, too. Some recent sales include for $50,000, for $10,589 and for $5,000.

The nice thing about new terms entering the lexicon is that all of the good domains weren’t registered in the 1990s. After all, the term didn’t exist back then. So valuable domains have been hand registered in the past couple of years, and there might still be opportunities to register NFT domains with value.

Top level domain company Donuts releases a monthly market report with trending keywords. Its report for April lists coin as the #2 most popular term in new registrations. The report doesn’t list NFT because it’s not a dictionary word that the company would normally look for.

I asked Donuts to check for the rising popularity of the term in its domains. The company provided a graph (above) showing a massive spike in March and April in domains containing NFT.

Domain investors have registered some of these domains, but companies offering NFTs also account for some domains.


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