.Club top level domain went MIA today

.Club top level domain went MIA today

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.Club websites went down today as part of a DNS issue that has since been resolved.

.Club top level domain went MIA today

The .club registry went down this morning, taking down all .club domains. The problem has been resolved.

The issue appears to have been with UltraDNS, a Neustar service. The UltraDNS system status page reported an incident starting at 10:30 UTC and ending at 14:15 UTC today. Details on the page suggest the issue primarily affected Europe and Asia.

Last year, GoDaddy acquired Neustar’s registry services business, making it the back-end provider for .club, .biz, .us, and many other domains. It then acquired the .club registry business itself this year.

The Neustar acquisition was a carveout. Neustar retained its UltraDNS DNS service.

In a statement, GoDaddy Registry said, “This morning there was a DNS service disruption impacting .club websites. The issue has now been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

It’s unclear why the issue only impacted .club, but it’s possible .club was provisioned differently since it was owned by a third party until recently.

I’ve reached out to Neustar to learn more and will update this story if it responds.

Post link: .Club top level domain went MIA today

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