Top 5 Performing Metaverse Gaming Projects in 2021

Top 5 Performing Metaverse Gaming Projects in 2021


Metaverse Gaming Projects

  • Metaverse seized the spotlight of the crypto stage.
  • Gaming firms are dedicated to making the metaverse a permanent part of our life.
  • Bloktopia, Decentraland, The Sandbox, Highstreet, MetaHero are the top 5 gaming metaverse.

Metaverse is a virtual reality platform that allows you to explore domains and socialize with other users in a virtual world. As a result, Metaverse projects have snatched the spotlight of the crypto stage.

In the digital world, the term “metaverse” has recently earned a lot of traction. With several major tech companies, like Facebook and Epic Games, focusing on a futuristic environment, the word is piquing online consumers’ interest.

Furthermore, game firms are dedicated to making the metaverse a permanent part of our life. Through this, here are the top 5 gaming metaverse projects that have the potential to surge this year.

First on the list is the Bloktopia, the NFT on Bloktopia comes in the form of REBLOK, ADBLOCK, and JOBE, which generate revenue through virtual real estate and adverting. Respectively, a great opportunity for a passive income in the form of BLOCK tokens.  

Second, Decentraland, founded in 2017 and one of the first metaverse platforms built on the Ethereum network. The project allows individuals to buy from a limited number of in-game land plots. In addition, the owner can build, improve and sell to earn MANA as profit.

Third, The Sandbox, a user-generated platform that has its own NFT marketplace where players can buy and sell in-game land and estate for a more immersive experience. The transaction inside the platform is done through its local token, $SAND.

Fourth, Highstreet, the in-game NFT character, recognized as FOMO Ducks, allows users to buy, sell, and own real-life items. Also, users will be able to earn HIGH tokens by simply spending time playing the game, or completing quests.

Fifth, MetaHero, the platform brings 3D scanning and modeling technology to a metaverse. Partnering with Wolf Studio, users easily transform their real-world assets into NFTs for  metaverse. Native token HERO is used for transactions within the platforms.


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