How to buy curated domains at Squadhelp for wholesale prices

How to buy curated domains at Squadhelp for wholesale prices

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Here’s how to buy domains at wholesale prices that are already approved for Squadhelp Premium.

How to buy curated domains at Squadhelp for wholesale prices

Qualified buyers can acquire domains approved for Squadhelp Premium at discounted prices.

On this week’s podcast, I talked to Squadhelp founder Darpan Munjal. One feature we discussed is the Squadhelp Wholesale Marketplace, where domain investors can buy domains that are already in the Premium Marketplace but at a reduced price.

I checked this out about a year ago and found the prices to be very high. But after visiting it again after our conversation, I found a handful of domains at good prices and bought two of them.

There are some good tools to narrow the list and filter out domains that don’t meet your criteria. Some of the filters I used are:

  • Price range – this is the wholesale cost
  • Retail price range – this is the price the domain is listed for on Squadhelp’s Premium Marketplace. You can combine this with the wholesale cost filter to find ones with a bigger delta. There’s some curation of retail prices at Squadhelp because they have to be approved at the price. So combining these two filters can be helpful.
  • Age – People are pretty good at coming up with new brandable domains, so don’t completely discount newer domains. However, if you equate age with quality, this is a good filter to play with.
  • Length – You can show only four letter domains or choose “medium” or “short”
  • Registered by – Squadhelp has an option for domain investors to create new brandable domains and have Squadhelp register them and maintain them on their behalf. You can choose to only show domains that are actually registered by the seller or show ones that are registered by Squadhelp. If you buy a domain registered by Squadhelp, the domain doesn’t actually transfer, only the premium listing does.

The premium listing for any domain you buy transfers to your account. Of course, if you don’t want it to remain listed you can remove it.

Access to the Wholesale market is restricted to qualified buyers. You are automatically qualified if you meet certain activity levels, or you can manually apply for access if you have at least three approved and live listings in the Premium Marketplace.

Post link: How to buy curated domains at Squadhelp for wholesale prices

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