GoDaddy is selling NamesCon and CloudFest

GoDaddy is selling NamesCon and CloudFest

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WHD Events GmbH acquires conferences from NamesCon.

GoDaddy CEO Aman Bhutani talks at NamesCon

GoDaddy CEO Aman Bhutani talks at NamesCon in Austin last year. GoDaddy is selling the conference along with CloudFest.

GoDaddy is selling its NamesCon and CloudFest conferences.

The company inherited the businesses when it acquired Host Europe Group in 2017. NamesCon management did a good job of keeping arm’s length with GoDaddy during its ownership, but it surely created some consternation amongst sponsors. GoDaddy became a larger presence at the conference after acquiring it.

GoDaddy has committed to sponsoring the event in the future.

WHD Events GmbH is the buyer. Corporate database searches don’t show this entity yet, and I suspect it’s a new business spun up for the acquisition.

More details (including the ownership) will be revealed after the deal closes.

Post link: GoDaddy is selling NamesCon and CloudFest

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