Domain Name Wire is getting its driver’s license.
It’s Domain Name Wire’s birthday today!
I started Domain Name Wire on this day in 2005. The domain industry was in the middle of a big boom cycle thanks to domain name parking revenue. The industry is in another boom cycle right now as domain asset prices march upward.
What does the future hold? We can’t be certain, but you can count on Domain Name Wire to help chronicle it.
Thank you to everyone who stops by to read my stories, comment (even when we disagree!), and provide story ideas to me.
A special shoutout to the advertisers that make this site possible. Please take a moment to click the ads on this site and consider supporting the sponsors that make DNW possible. I’m in the fortunate position of being sold out of ads right now. But I’ve been in both the boom and bust cycles of this business, so please ping me if you’d like to join the waitlist.
Here’s to another great year!
Post link: Domain Name Wire turns 16 today
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