Wishing You a Merry Christmas, Happy & Healthy Holidays and the
Happiest of New Years in 2021

Wishing You a Merry Christmas, Happy & Healthy Holidays and the Happiest of New Years in 2021

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For all
DNJournal readers
around the world I want to wish those of you who are
celebrating the very merriest of Christmases and a healthy and
happy new year
as we get ready to head into 2021. For those who
celebrated Hannukah earlier this month and those who have been or
will be celebrating favorite holidays and occasions of their own, I hope you
are blessed and inspired by those special days as well. 

I know 2020 has
been a very tough year for millions of people around the globe and my
thoughts are with you too. My wish is that the new year will bring you all peace,
prosperity, love and healing
. I am old enough to have seen a lot of ups
and downs, good times and bad, but no matter what happened the sun always
rose again the next day, presenting another chance to take another step
forward (or change direction if needed). 2021 will bring us 365 more
– that’s a lot of opportunities to make things better
for ourselves, our families and our friends. 

I also know that
thanks to our industry being based in the virtual world, we’ve been
more fortunate than most and I am thankful for that every day. My hope is
that 2021 will be a better one for all – and that we will
finally get to start seeing each other in person again! We will
certainly have a lot of stories to share when that day comes and I am
looking forward to hearing yours!


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