USA sues to get domain name back after letting it expire

USA sues to get domain name back after letting it expire

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Oops. U. S. Gov forgets to renew domain it won in a settlement, so now it has to sue to get it back.

USA sues to get domain name back after letting it expire

The United States of America has filed an in rem cybersquatting lawsuit (pdf) against in an effort to recover the domain name.

The government obtained the domain name from affiliate marketing company QuinStreet in 2011 in a deal struck by the Kentucky Attorney General’s office.

But someone forgot to renew the domain name. It expired last year and sold on for $4,000. As Elliot Silver points out in that article, remained in QuinStreet’s name well after the settlement.

In the new lawsuit, the government says it sent multiple cease & desist letters but has not been able to identify the owner of the domain due to Whois privacy. It says the owner switched registrars after the government sent one of the letters.

Hopefully, this time the government will remember to renew the domain name.




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