ROTD live virtual domain name auction today

ROTD live virtual domain name auction today

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There’s an open bar in your kitchen for today’s live domain auction.

The words "domain name auction" overlayed on photo of auctioneer gavel

Right of the Dot is holding a live domain name auction today with 108 domain names.

The company previously held events in conjunction with NamesCon and the TRAFFIC conferences. While in-person live domain auctions aren’t possible during Covid, Right of the Dot has set up a studio in Texas with auctioneer Wayne Wheat to get as close as possible to the in-person experience.

Right of the Dot started with hundreds of domains available for pre-bidding and narrowed it down overnight to 108 lots for the live auction. The others will be available in an online auction after today’s main event.

The final list of live auction domains includes a mix of great domains with reserves and less valuable domains with no reserve. Notable names include,, and

The live auction kicks off today at 12 pm CST. The silent auction concludes on March 4. Bidding information is available at


Post link: ROTD live virtual domain name auction today

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