.Org launches DNS Abuse Institute, to be led by Graeme Bunton

.Org launches DNS Abuse Institute, to be led by Graeme Bunton

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Institute will fund research, publish recommended practices, share data, and provide tools to identify and report DNS Abuse.

Headshot of Graeme Bunton

Graeme Bunton, inaugural director of DNS Abuse Institute.

Public Interest Registry, the registry for .org domains, today announced the establishment of the DNS Abuse Institute.

The group will fund research, publish recommended practices, share data, and provide tools to identify and report DNS abuse including malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam.

Graeme Bunton, until last week the Head of Policy for domain name registrar Tucows, will be the institute’s inaugural director.

Part of the organization’s goal is to help registries and registrars with best practices for handling DNS abuse. It created a support line to help these groups with questions about DNS abuse.

DNS Abuse institute will hold its first forum on March 16 titled State of DNS Abuse: Trends from the last three years and current landscape.

The institute is currently forming an advisory council.

Post link: .Org launches DNS Abuse Institute, to be led by Graeme Bunton

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