DENIC releases detailed geographic .de domain data

DENIC releases detailed geographic .de domain data

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Annual data report shows little change in top locations.

DENIC releases detailed geographic .de domain data

DENIC calculated where .de domain registrants are located.

DENIC, the organization that manages Germany’s .de country code domain, has released detailed statistics about the namespace as of the end of 2020.

Each year, the organization analyzes which cities and regions of Germany account for most registrations.

The top ten cities were unchanged from 2019 to 2020. Berlin led the pack with nearly a million registrations, followed by Munich at 630,000 and Hamburg at 587,000.

Osnabruck has the most registrations per capita, with 1,563 .de domains per 1,000 in habitants.

Interest outside of Germany remains high, too. Domains registered to foreigners increased from 1.32 million to 1.45 million during the year. The United States accounts for about a quarter of those domains.

Overall, there were 16.7 million .de domains registered at the end of 2020.

More details and statistics are available here.

Post link: DENIC releases detailed geographic .de domain data

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