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.DE and .CA report latest domain name data

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Germany’s ccTLD hits 17 million domains under management and Canada’s ccTLD reports strong growth.

A chart showing growth in .ca domain names

Canada’s .ca domain is growing, thanks in part to businesses getting online during the pandemic.

Both DENIC (the organization that operates Germany’s .de domain) and CIRA (the organization that operates Canada’s .ca domain) issued releases this week about their namespaces.

DENIC reported that it hit the 17 million domains under management mark on July 13. It hit the 16 million domain milestone in 2015.

CIRA released its Q1 .CA Insights Report. The group said its rolling three-month growth rate was nearly 1%, compared to 0.35% a year ago.

About 17% of .ca domains redirect and 32% are active.

CIRA provided interesting data about which CMS sites using .ca domains are using. WordPress accounts for just over half of the active sites, but website builders are doing well: Wix (9.05%), GoDaddy Website Builder (6.95%), Squarespace (6.11%) and Weebly (4.36%). 5.3% of developed sites use Shopify., and are the most visited .ca domains.

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