4 number domains aren’t just for trading between domain investors

4 number domains aren’t just for trading between domain investors

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Companies use them, too.

4 number domains aren’t just for trading between domain investors

I read recently that the 4N domain 6475 .com sold for $9,600. In case you didn’t know, 4N domains are actually used by end users in China, particularly in the gaming industry.

For example, among the top 100 internet companies ranked in the Research Report on the Comprehensive Strength of Chinese Internet Companies (2020, Chinese), two companies use a 4L domain. 4399 .com (#32) offers online game services and 2345 .com (#65) is a general information portal that helps users navigate to a website.

Obviously, 2345 is easy to remember. How about 4399? Well, the game developer does not seem to worry about this issue and has not tried to create a Chinese meaning for it. In my opinion, 4N domains are short enough to make them relatively easy to remember, particularly for those who are dedicated users of the website.

Of course, having a meaning makes a domain even easier to remember. A good example is 1688.com. This domain has been turned into a popular wholesale marketplace owned by Alibaba. 1688 rhymes with both Yi Lu Fa Fa (一路发发 = Making a fortune all the way) and A Li Ba Ba (阿里巴巴 = Alibaba).

Coming back to 6475 .com, can we create a Chinese meaning for it? Yes, it’s quite possible, so I spent some time on it and came up with the following two Chinese brands.

  1. 乐事企务 (Le Shi Qi Wu) means fun things about business affairs. Possible applications are business consulting and software to streamline business affairs.
  2. 乐戏奇物 (Le Xi Qi Wu) means fun game about unusual things. This domain is good for a game-related business.

In short, 4N domains have genuine demand from corporate China, making them a solid investment.

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